




Boost your DeFi yield!

Earn on Vector, the best yield booster on Avalanche

PTP, JOE and VTX tokens
Total value locked
$21,390,638 USD
Total PTP Converted
11,490,374 PTP
Total JOE Converted
14,115,499 JOE
Total VTX locked
28,822,309 VTX
Total revenue
$4,095,790 USD
Lightning bolt icon
Stablecoin & LP providers

Earn boost rewards in PTP, JOE and VTX

Vector allows users to deposit stablecoins and LP tokens to earn boosted yield from the Platypus and Trader Joe platforms, without having to stake their PTP/JOE and worry about accruing vePTP/veJOE.

Depositors are able to take advantage of our ample vePTP and veJOE balances and utilize that for a boosted yield in PTP, JOE and VTX.

Users can also provide liquidity on Trader Joe and receive rewards via our governance token, VTX.

Coin stack icon
PTP & JOE stakers

Put your PTP and JOE tokens to work

Vector turns your PTP and JOE into productive assets by allowing you to convert them to xPTP and zJOE, which can then be staked to earn a share of Vector's performance fees.

Vector utilizes the tokens converted on the platform to stake on Platypus / Trader Joe, accruing vePTP and veJOE into perpetuity since we will never sell.

Our vePTP/veJOE balances are then used to boost stablecoin/LP yields on Vector, generating revenue for our protocol.

xPTP and zJOE stakers receive ~60% of Vector's revenue, plus additional rewards via our governance token, VTX.

How to use Vector?

Step 01
Deposit stablecoins

Deposit your stablecoins and/or LP tokens in Vector

Step 02
PTP, JOE and VTX rewards

Automatically start receiving rewards in PTP, JOE and VTX

Step 03
Pile of VTX tokens

Stake your VTX tokens to receive additional rewards

Step 04
OK hand sign

Claim your rewards from all your pools in one click

Airdrop incoming for Platypus holders!

vePTP holders have a special airdrop from Vector Finance waiting for them.

Airdrop illustration

Get ready to earn boosted yields!